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Our members are busy throughout the Northern-Brevard-County Region:

  • Conducting Vessel Safety Checks (see Menu to the left)

  • Conducting Maritime Observation patrols along the Mosquito Lagoon and the Indian River from Oak Hill to just North of the Canaveral Barge Canal. During these patrols we:

    • Provide assistance to recreational boaters, if requested
    • Help recreational boaters follow applicable rules and regulations
    • Assess the state of Federal and Private Aids to Navigation (ATONs)
    • Watch for vessels and individuals operating in a suspicious manner (Waterway Watch)
AUX Boat Patrol banner
  • At the request of the Aids to Navigation Team (ANT) Ponce de Leon, certified members verify the status of Private Aids to Navigation (PATONs) in our Area of Responsibility.

  • We also identify unauthorized PATONs not approved by the Coast Guard.
 Buoy at Titusville Mooring Field

  • Visiting marinas and other businesses involved in recreational boating on a regular basis to drop off or restock boating safety literature displays, and discuss topics important to safe recreational boating.

Fed Guide for Recreational Boats cover
  • Monitoring VHF Ch 16  using mobile radios and antennas that are moved to various locations around our Area of Responsibility.
  • Using HF radio stations to provide emergency and disaster response communications.
VHF Radio